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Política de Cookies

Notice for English speakers:
the English version of this Cookies Policy can be found below.


Esta página web utiliza cookies y/o tecnologías similares tales como pixeles que almacenan y recuperan información cuando navegas en él. Una cookie es un pequeño fichero de texto que un sitio web coloca en tu PC, teléfono o cualquier otro dispositivo con el que accedes, con información sobre tu navegación en dicho sitio web para, entre otros, permitir su funcionamiento y conocer tus hábitos de navegación. Las cookies también pueden permitir a una página web «recordar» tus acciones o preferencias con el paso del tiempo.


A continuación te facilitamos una relación de las distintas tipología de cookies utilizadas en nuestra página web:


  • Cookies técnicas: son aquellas que permiten al usuario la navegación a través de la página web y la utilización de las diferentes opciones o servicios que en ella existen, incluyendo aquellas que permiten la gestión y operativa de la página web. Estas cookies están exentas de los deberes de información y de obtención del consentimiento de los usuarios.
  • Cookies de análisis: sirven para analizar la navegación y comportamiento de los usuarios por nuestra página web, así como realizar una contabilidad de las mismas cuantificando el número de usuarios y así realizar la medición y análisis estadístico de la utilización que hacen los usuarios de nuestra página web.


  • De sesión: son un tipo de cookies diseñadas para recabar y almacenar datos mientras el usuario visita nuestra página web. Se eliminan cuando el usuario abandona nuestra página web.
  • Permanentes: son aquellas en las que los datos siguen almacenados en el terminal del usuario y puedan ser accedidos y tratados durante un periodo definido por el responsable de la cookies más allá de la sesión y que puede ir unos minutos a varios años.


  • Propias: son las cookies que se envían al propio titular de la página web y desde la que se presta el servicio solicitado por el usuario.
  • De terceros: son aquellas que se envían al equipo terminal del usuario desde un equipo o dominio distinto al nuestro por una tercera entidad que gestiona las mismas.

De acuerdo con lo anterior, te informamos que a través de esta página utilizamos tanto cookies propias como de terceros; de sesión y persistentes; así como técnicas, analíticas para analizar el uso de nuestra página web.


A continuación te identificamos las cookies utilizadas en esta página web clasificadas en función de su tipología e indicando respecto a cada una de ellas, su nombre, entidad gestora, finalidad, tiempo en el que permanecen activas y otra información relevante:

Cookies técnicas:

Nombre Entidad gestora Finalidad Duración Más información
__cfduid Cloudfare Usada por la red de contenido, Cloudfare, para identificar tráfico web de confianza. No corresponde a ningún id de usuario en la aplicación web, ni guarda ningún dato personal identificable. 3 meses Puede obtener información acerca el uso por parte de Cloudfare aquí.
has_js Accord Registrar si el usuario ha activado o no JavaScript en el navegador. Sesión  


Cookies analíticas:

Nombre Entidad gestora Finalidad Duración Más información
_ga Google (servicio Google Analytics) Registrar un identificador único que se utiliza para generar datos estadísticos sobre cómo el visitante utiliza la página web. 2 años

Puedes obtener más información acerca el uso por parte de Google Analytics aquí.

Ten en cuenta que la información generada por las cookies de Google Analytics es almacenada por Google, Inc. en servidores situados en EEUU, lo que implica una transferencia internacional a un territorio que no ofrece un nivel adecuado de protección de datos. Dicha transferencia únicamente se produce en el supuesto que hayas dado tu consentimiento explícito a través de la aceptación de las cookies analíticas utilizadas a través de este sitio web. Si no deseas que se lleve a cabo dicha transferencia, no des tu consentimiento a la instalación de las mismas.

Adicionalmente, te informamos que puede a través de este enlace evitar que Google Analytics utilice tus datos a través de la instalación del complemento de inhabilitación para navegadores de Google Analytics.

_gat Google (servicio Google Analytics) Regular el índice de demanda. 1 día  
_gid Google (servicio Google Analytics) Registra un identificador único que se utiliza para generar datos estadísticos sobre cómo el visitante utiliza la web. 1 día  
_gid Google (servicio Google Analytics) Utilizada para enviar datos a Google Analytics sobre el dispositivo y el comportamiento del visitante. Rastrea el visitante por dispositivos y canales de marketing. Sesión  



Cuando accedas a nuestra página por primera vez, se te mostrará un banner en el que se te pedirá que indiques si aceptas todas las cookies o si deseas configurar o rechazar las cookies no estrictamente técnicas, en cuyo caso puedes hacerlo a través del Configurador habilitado a tal efecto al que puedes acceder a través del mismo banner. Al darle al botón “Aceptar todas las cookies” sin rechazar o modificar su configuración a través del configurador habilitado a tal efecto, aceptas la instalación de las cookies no estrictamente técnicas y el uso que hacemos de las mismas conforme a lo descrito en la presente Política de Cookies.

Si deseas, con posterioridad, modificar tu configuración o revocar tu consentimiento, podrás hacerlo, en cualquier momento, a través de nuestro configurador de cookies que encontrarás a mano izquierda de nuestra página web o, alternativamente, de tu navegador. La opción por la que optes en tu primera visita al sitio web se almacenará durante un plazo de hasta veinticuatro (24) meses para no volver a preguntarte cada vez que accedas a nuestra página web durante dicho plazo, salvo que cambies tu configuración o las elimines a través de tu navegador.

A continuación se incluyen los enlaces a los instrucciones que ofrece cada navegador:

Ten en cuenta que, si no aceptas nuestras cookies, quizás no puedas utilizar todas las funcionalidades de nuestra página web.

En algunos navegadores se pueden configurar reglas específicas para administrar cookies por sitio web, lo que ofrece un control más preciso sobre la privacidad. Esto significa que se puede inhabilitar cookies de todos los sitios salvo de aquellos en los que se confíe.


La presente Política de Cookies se podrá modificar cuando así lo exija la legislación vigente en cada momento o cuando hubiera alguna variación en el tipo de cookies utilizadas nuestra página web. Publicaremos cualquier actualización de la política de cookies en esta página.

Esta política ha sido revisada y actualizada por última vez en octubre de 2020.





This website uses cookies and/or similar technologies such as pixels that store and retrieve information when you browse it. A cookie is a small text file that a website places on your PC, telephone or any other device you may access, with information about your navigation on that site for, among others, enable its functioning or knowing your web surfing habits. Cookies are necessary to facilitate navigation, and do not damage your computer. Cookie also may allow a website to "remember" your actions or preferences over time.


Please find below the different kind of cookies we use in our website:


  • Technical cookies: these allow the user to navigate through the website and use the different options or services that may be provided, including those that enable managing and operating the websites. These cookies are exempted from the information and consent collection duties.
  • Analytical cookies: these are used to analyse the users’ browsing and surfing behaviour on the website, as well as to make an accounting of them by quantifying the number of users and thus carry out the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by the users our website.


  • Session cookies: these are a type of cookie designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a website. They are deleted when the user leaves the website.
  • Persistent cookies: these cookies will remain stored on the device used by the user and they may be accessed and processed for a defined period of time by the cookies responsible after the session that can go from various minutes to various years.


  • First-party cookies: these are those cookies that are sent to the owner of the web page itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
  • Third-party cookies: these are those cookies that are sent to the user’s device from a different domain by a third party entity that manages them.

According to the above, please be informed that this website uses first-party and third-party


Please find below a relation of the cookies used in this websites ranked according to its typology and specifying their name, managing entity, purpose, period of time that they remain active and other relevant information:

Technical or necessary cookies:

Name Managing entity Purpose Period of time More informationn
__cfduid Cloudfare Set by the CloudFlare service to identify trusted web traffic. It does not correspond to any user id in the web application, nor does the cookie store any personally identifiable information 3 months You may obtain more information about the use by Cloudfare here.
has_js Accord To register if the user has activated JavaScript on its browser. Session  


Analytical cookies:

Name Managing entity Purpose Period of time More informationn
_ga Google (Google Analytics service) Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website 2 years

You may obtain more information about the use by Google Analytics here.

Please note that the information gathered by Google Analytics Cookies is hosted by Google Inc. in servers located in the USA, which implies an international transfer to a territory that does not offer an adequate level of personal data protection. Said transfer is only carried out in the event that you have explicitly consented through the acceptance of the analytical cookies used in this website. If you do not want that this international transfer is carried out, please refrain from accepting our analytical cookies.

Additionally, we inform you that you may avoid that Google Analytics uses your data through installing the following plug-in available here.

_gat Google (Google Analytics service) Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate. 1 day  
_gid Google (Google Analytics service) Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the web site. 1 day  
_gid Google (Google Analytics service) Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behaviour. Tracks the visitor across
devices and marketing channels.



When you first access to our website, a banner will be shown and you will be requested to decide if you accept all our cookies or if you wish to configurate o reject our non-necessary cookies. In the event that you wish to configurate or reject them, you will be able to do it through the Consent Manager Platform that you will be able to access through the banner shown. By clicking at the “Accept all the cookies” button without rejecting or configurating them, you accept the installation of the non-necessary cookies and the use we do according to this Cookies Policy.

You may, at any time, modify your choice or revoke your consent through the Consent Manager Platform that you will find on the left side of our website or, alternatively, throw your browser. Please note that the option that you choice will be kept for a period of up to twenty-four (24) months in order to not ask you again every time you access to our webiste, unless you change your choice or you delete them from your browser.

Please find below a link to the instructions that each browser offer to delete or disable cookies:

Please note that if you do not accept our cookies, you may not be able to use all functionalities of your browser software or our website.

In some browsers, specific rules can be configured to manage cookies per each website, which offers more precise control over privacy, this means that cookies can be disabled from all sites except those you trust.


This Cookie Policy may be modified when required by the legislation in force at any given time or when there is any variation in the type of cookies used on the website. We will post any updated cookies policy on this page.

This policy was last reviewed and updated in October 2020.

General (the “Site") is owned and operated by Accord Healthcare, Ltd. (“Accord”), a company registered in England and Wales, with company number 04596349 and with registered office at Sage House, 319 Pinner Road, North Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 4HF, United Kingdom. Accord’s VAT number is GB 894350693.

Terms of Use
By accessing the Site or by otherwise accessing any content found on this Site, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“T&C”).

Contents of this Site
All the information and contents of the Site (including, but not limited to, its graphics, logos, designs, images and source codes used for programming) are the property of Accord or its licensors, as the case may be.

You may not use or reproduce or allow anyone to use or reproduce any “Accord” names and logos, and any other graphics or trademarks (whether registered or unregistered) appearing on the Site for any reason without written permission from Accord.

The software that operates the Site is proprietary software and you may not use it except as expressly allowed under these T&C. You may not copy, reverse engineer, modify or otherwise deal with the software.

Where the Site contains links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your information and convenience only. Accord does not have control over, and is not responsible for, the availability and content of those sites and resources. 

Changes to the Site, its contents and these T&C
Accord reserves the right to alter the Site, its contents and these T&C at any time, without prior notice. Any modification will take effect immediately. You agree to check these T&C regularly for modifications and additions.

Contents Use
You may download material displayed on the Site for non-commercial, personal use only, provided you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the materials or as specified on the Site. Save as expressly permitted above, all use and reproduction of any material on this Site or any incorporation of the same into any other material, in whatever media or format, is strictly prohibited. You agree not to use the Site for any commercial or business purposes.

Slavery and Human Trafficking
Accord is absolutely committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its business activities and ensuring to the best of its ability that its supply chain is free from such activities. For further details, see Accord’s Modern Slavery Act Statement.

Personal Data
Accord may process the personal data supplied by you to Accord in accordance with Accord’s Cookies and Privacy Policy.

Liability and Indemnity
Although Accord endeavours to ensure the high quality and accuracy of the Site, Accord makes no warranty, express or implied, such as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy, of the contents of the Site, which are provided "as is".

In no event will Accord, its affiliates, agents, suppliers or licensors be liable for any direct, special, incidental, exemplary, punitive, consequential or other loss or damage (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information or other pecuniary loss) that may arise directly or indirectly from the use of (or failure to use) or reliance on the contents of this Site, even if Accord has been advised of the possibility that such damages may arise. For the avoidance of doubt:

  • Accord does not guarantee absence of virus or other elements that could damage or alter your computer system, electronic documents or files. Accord hereby notifies to all users that these may occur. Therefore, Accord does not accept liability for any damage that these elements could cause to you or to third parties.
  • Accord will not be liable if for any reason the Site is unavailable at any time or for any period. Accord accepts no responsibility for any errors, omissions, delays, or losses including loss of data during or as a result of the unavailability of the Site.

You agree to indemnify Accord, its affiliates, agents, suppliers or licensors immediately on demand, against all claims, liability, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees, arising out of any breach of these T&C by you or your use of the Site.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These T&C will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. You (and Accord) submit irrevocably to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

Other Terms
Notices to Accord must be given in writing, by letter, and sent to Sage House, 319 Pinner Road, North Harrow Middlesex, HA1 4HF, United Kingdom.

If any provision in these T&C is determined to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, then such provision or part of it shall, to the extent that it is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, be deemed not to form part of these T&C and the legality, validity and enforceability of the remainder of these T&C shall not be affected.

Save as expressly referred to therein, Accord makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect to Site and its contents.

Headings in these T&C are for convenience only and have no legal meaning or effect, nor shall they be taken into account in interpreting these T&C.

Accord rights under the T&C may be waived only in writing and specifically.

The board of directors and management teams of Accord Healthcare Ltd’s (AHL) and its subsidiaries are fully committed to complying with competition law. The fundamental objective of competition law is to prevent distortion of competition in the market because competition ensures an efficient allocation of resources and, ultimately, enhances consumer welfare.

AHL is committed to bringing affordable life-saving medicines to patients and has thus adopted a robust compliance programme that includes a fair competition policy, employee training to aid understanding of competition law and how it applies to our business, and a whistleblowing line allowing our employees and business partners to safely (and anonymously) report any policy breaches.


Accord Healthcare Ltd Board of Directors
October 2019